Articulating challenges.
Identifying interventions. Empowering humanity.

Focus Areas

Artificial Intelligence

Companies are racing to release exponentially advancing AI. In this 1-hour viral presentation, Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin map where we’re heading and how we can respond.

View the AI Dilemma

Social Media

Social media was humanity’s first contact with AI. This Emmy-winning Netflix documentary helped over 100 million people globally understand social media’s harms and broken incentives. We’re fighting to fix them.

Watch the Social Dilemma

Our Work


Your Undivided Attention is released bi-weekly and has over 25 million downloads.

Policy Guidance and strategy

Our expert policy team develops and advocates for game-changing policy interventions.

Setting the Agenda

We’ve appeared on high-profile media like the Oprah Winfrey AI Special, The New York Times, The Guardian, FOX, BBC, CNN, MSNBC, and Joe Rogan.


We serve as a powerful advocate for humanity in high-profile gatherings and private conversations.

Briefings &

We present to policymakers, technologists, funders, and other leaders at conferences and private briefings.

Guidance for

Our principles of humane technology have helped thousands of technologists, many at leading companies and NGOs.


Jul 11, 2023
Jul 7, 2023
Technically Optimistic
44 minutes

Part 1 - Rules of the Road: Who has the power to regulate AI?

Jun 28, 2023
Aspen Ideas
69 minutes

The AI Dilemma at Aspen Ideas

Featured Audio & Video

More Press

Podcast: Your Undivided Attention

Your Undivided Attention is a top tech podcast with over 23 million downloads.

View ALL Episodes

Take Our Course

Take Our Course

To build technology that matters tomorrow, we have to start with different principles today.

Taken by concerned teams at Apple, the United Nations, Facebook, and TikTok, our free, self-paced online course prepares product teams to create technology that builds our capacity to address urgent challenges.

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Foundations of Humane Technology Course Logo

More Resources

Link to The Social Dilemma page

Emmy-winning film watched by 100M+ people globally, highlighting the business model fueling tech’s harms.

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Link to The Social Dilemma page
Ledger of Harms

Highlights from key research findings on how technology negatively impacts kids, mental health, democracy, and more.

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Link to The Social Dilemma page
Youth Toolkit

Courses and action guides for people aged 13-25 to navigate and change our broken social media environment.

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Link to The Social Dilemma page
Take Control Toolkit

Immediate steps anyone can take to limit time on tech devices and increase digital well-being.

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Policy Reforms Toolkit
Link to The Social Dilemma page

Policy ideas and proposed legislation that address the imbalance of power in the extractive tech ecosystem.

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Link to The Social Dilemma page

Posts from our newsletter, The Catalyst, which explores technology, human behavior, ethics, and systems reform.

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Link to The Social Dilemma page
Brain Science

Six persuasive techniques that social media platforms use to "hack" our brains in order to generate engagement and increase profit.

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