Note: Any resources mentioned are not formally affiliated with CHT nor do we collect money for recommending them. We simply think they’re doing great work. That said, their content may change without notice. Please review with care and discretion.
Notifications, alerts, and badges are designed to draw your attention back to your phone. Reclaim your time by diminishing their effect.
Many apps and platforms profit off of addiction, distraction, and misinformation. Consistent use of these can negatively affect our mental health.
We vote with our attention and clicks. Don't support sites that pollute our cultural environment with vitriol via clickbait and outrage.
We use our tech from the moment we wake up until we fall asleep at night. Designating certain areas in your home as tech-free can open up more time for other things, and allow your brain to decompress from all the stimulation throughout the day.
Disconnecting can be a powerful way to reconnect with yourself and your loved ones. Plus, taking a break from technology can benefit you in the long run by reducing its harmful effects.
Being open to new perspectives opens our eyes to issues we may not have known otherwise. We’re not as divided as platforms would like us to believe.
Fight clickbait and support your local newspaper. Paying for a subscription allows us to remain the customer, not the product. Democracy doesn’t work without healthy journalism.
Before using social media, take a moment to pause, be mindful, and set the intention for what you’d like to get out of the experience. This can help get you into the right frame of mind for a healthier experience.
Many platforms prioritize outrage because it generates more engagement. Resist being manipulated by countering with compassion.
If you receive 99 positive comments on a post and 1 negative comment, which do you focus on? Our survival-biased brains tend to focus on the negative, even after we turn away from our tech.
In combination with the tips above, we’ve collected resources and apps that can help you on your journey to set better boundaries with technology.
Note: Any resources mentioned are not formally affiliated with CHT nor do we collect money for recommending them. We simply think they’re doing great work. That said, their content may change without notice. Please review with care and discretion.
For instructions on how to change your Apple device settings, check out Apple iPhone Resources.
For instructions on how to change your Android device settings, check out the Android Digital Wellbeing Resource.
🙏 Thank you to Steven Michael Crane and the Screentime Genie team at Stanford for contributions and feedback on this page.